o Learning to catch and throw balls and objects, to climb over objects and obstacles, and to walk up and down stairs
o Developing and improving walking forwards and backwards, running forwards, and climbing
o Building skills to string large beads, turning one page of a book, and build small structures
o Building skills to be self-sufficient like using utensils, and drinking from an open cup
o Communicating and participating in activities with adults and other children
o Building compassion and expression of positive and negative feelings
o Imitating adult actions and behaviors to role-play
o Expressing needs by using please and thank you
o Building listening and speaking skills for large and small group environments
o Following two-step direction and pointing to objects upon request
o Developing skills like painting, drawing and coloring
o Using different sensory enriching materials like sand, water, play dough, finger paint, and shaving cream
o Knowledge of their first name
o Learning how to count, match color to color, and recognizing shapes
o Identifying body parts and colors