
(5-6 Years Old)

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Pre-Kindergarten Developmental Goals

Our Pre-K classroom is exciting and educationally stimulating. We understand that children are individuals with different learning styles. All children learn their educational skills in different ways. Our children learn through doing, exploring, writing, and discussing. They learn personal skills that help them to become successful learners. They leave our classroom with confidence in learning.                                  

o Developing and improving skills like skipping, hopping, jumping, balancing, throwing, and catching

o Playing on outdoor climbing equipment 

o Playing sports games with teachers and children, like basketball and soccer

o Developing and improving skills, like zipping, buttoning, snapping, tying, cutting, and writing

o Communicating and participating in activities with adults and other children

o Sharing classroom items, and accepting classroom limits

o Accepting responsibility for actions and items 

o Problem solving situations independently

o Building listening and speaking skills for large and small group environments 

o Identifying and creating rhyming words

o Developing acceptable grammar, pronunciation, and personal experience conversations

o Verbally spelling their names, and beginning sight words 

o Developing and improving skills like painting, drawing and coloring

o Using different sensory enriching materials like sand, water, play dough, finger paint, and shaving cream

o Learning personal information, like name, birth date, address, phone numbers

o Use of concepts like patterns, spatial awareness, opposites, same/different and sequencing

o Use of math skills like number recognition, size sequencing, more/less/equal, and money identification 

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